
Posts Tagged ‘metafilosofie’

The Dictate of the Unconscious: The Latent Meaning of a Philosophical Text

21 ledna, 2022 Napsat komentář

Hynek Tippelt


The aim of this study is to outline the psychoanalytic method of interpretation in its application to a philosophical text. The nature of philosophical creativity is illustrated by comparison with the laws of dream activity and the concept of primary process thinking. The concept of a “pride system” (Karen Horney) is used to interpret the specifically philosophical diction. The study shows the possibility of reading a philosophical text as a kind of declaration confirming the importance of its author, fulfilling their unconscious desire to prove the impossibility of „falling out of this world” (Sigmund Freud). The concept of the three archetypal ontological primordial images, inspired by Erikson’s reflections and elaborated in other texts of the present author, is reformulated as a distinction of three philosophical styles: disciplined and paternalistic, focused on strict rule and order; sympathetic and maternalistic, focused on acceptance, equality and positive home atmosphere; and „nonsubstantially“ (Egon Bondy) open, guided by the image of the „preparental center“ (Erik Erikson) and primarily focusing on the value of freedom.

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Narcistická kočka a sadistický pavouk

25 května, 2011 4 komentáře
Hynek Tippelt:

Narcistická kočka a sadistický pavouk

Mezi spinozismem a psychoanalýzou

ISBN 978-80-254-8932-1
Cena: 149,- Kč

Vydání podpořila Vzdělávací nadace Jana Husa
Projekt Filosofie a psychoanalýza v rámci programu Cursus Innovati
V textu jsou použity výňatky z disertační práce Vztah ideje a afektu u Spinozy obhájené na Katedře filozofie FF Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci 2007
Recenzovali: Petr Bláha, Vít Pokorný
Obrázek na obálce: Milan Žák
Zlom a předtisková příprava:
Vydáno v nakladatelství MINO, ing. Tomáš Mikulenka
Ústí nad Labem

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